duration versus consumption of resource management
traditionally, torches have a constant duration of six turns or one hour. what happens when we change this up? variable duration resources with variable duration are in practice not very distinct from those with constant duration, and in fact they might be deemed more complicated. the player randomly determines the duration for which the item will last--2d6 turns for instance--and then counts time until this duration passes. it is therefore not difficult to make something last for 6 turns on average (if 2d6 with an average of 7 is too great, perhaps 2d6-1) but there's no reduced bookkeeping here. the main benefit is the injection of chance should the players actually want it. random consumption random consumption is a totally different beast than constant or variable duration, and i am trying to be very precise with my word choice. variable duration, or random duration if you prefer, randomly determines the duration for which something will last. that is to say that once this durat...