chainmail one-on-one combat stats for weapons & armor

how useful is that big table in chainmail that lets you find your kill chance by comparing weapons to armor? you know, this one: statistical analysis let's see! first, i replicated the table in excel: then i switched from scores to hit on 2d6 to % chance. then, i compared the following categories: "light" armor: no armor (leather is almost always an improvement "medium" armor: average of chainmail and chainmail plus shield "heavy" armor: average of plate and plate plus shield a positive number indicates that armor becomes more effective as it becomes heavier, whereas a negative number indicates that armor becomes less effective. for example, a battle axe becomes less effective between light and medium armor, but becomes more effective between light and heavy armor. in other words, it is specifically (slightly) more effective against chainmail than no armor at all. since this table doesn't tell the whole story, since there's the caveat that ...