About Fantastic Medieval Campaigns

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  1. This looks really wonderful -- so clean and organized. What a herculean effort!

  2. Turns out that I do want to buy D&D at least one more time. :-)

    1. thank you! at the very least the pdf will be free so you don't have to buy that :)

  3. This is awesome! I appreciate how closely you've represented the original rules, right down to the descriptions. I'm looking forward to when you publish this, so I can finally feel comfortable recommending my favorite edition of dnd to newcomers! (also: Mortals & Magic is a great title)

  4. This is great, looking forward to it!

  5. Any rough ETA when this will be available? It looks fantastic.

    1. hi, thank you so much!! right now all of the textual content is complete, and i'm just waiting on a couple more pieces of art to publish a version i'm happy with :)

  6. Hello. I have been following this since Ben Milton mentioned it in the Glatisant. Do we have a release date for it?

    1. good afternoon! thank you for your interest :) this project is still underway, and right now i'm working on editing and arranging some more art pieces! besides that, the text content of the book is basically complete. my hope is to have it complete by the end of this year!


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